The Greatest Journey in the U.S.

Take Their Journey

Millions of boys and girls in more than 100 countries around the world are participating in The Greatest Journey—our follow-up discipleship program for children who receive Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts. Now, children in the U.S. can go through these same 12 discipleship lessons. Your church or group can order these materials today and begin helping boys and girls learn to follow Christ and share Him with family and friends through this Samaritan’s Purse resource.

God is using The Greatest Journey to raise up an army of young evangelists around the world to transform entire communities through the Gospel. Your church can join in this exciting program and see little ones reaching out for Christ in your area!


Children who participate will hear the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ and learn to actively follow Him day by day. The program also equips them to fulfill the Great Commission by sharing their faith with others. We praise God for changing hearts and transforming lives through The Greatest Journey.


  • Teachers will find every lesson planned for them, and a comprehensive Leader Guide is also available.
  • The cost per child is only $6 and includes The Greatest Journey student workbook, New Testament, and graduation certificate.

Get Involved in Missions

The Greatest Journey is also an excellent tool to introduce children—and your entire church—to worldwide missions and the global ministry of Samaritan’s Purse.

For example, by hosting a kick-off event for The Greatest Journey you will help children experience an Operation Christmas Child outreach event similar to shoebox distributions in other countries. During the event, you’ll give children an empty shoebox and ask them to bring it back at the end of The Greatest Journey filled with gift items to send to a boy or girl overseas.

Children will have an opportunity to reach out to children in need and participate in the spread of the Gospel around the world.

Share the Greatest Journey

Would you prayerfully consider giving an additional $6 for each set of student packs you order so that we can provide discipleship resources to more children all over the world? For $6 Samaritan’s Purse can provide a child overseas with The Greatest Journey workbook, graduation certificate, Bible memory cards, and a New Testament in their language.

Tell Us Your Story

Spread the word about how God is using The Greatest Journey in your church by sending us your photos, videos, and stories. Tag us on social media, @OperationChristmasChild, or email

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